Week 16
Magazine Template
For the magazine template I wanted to do something fun, but also classy and professional, at first I did the pages with colors but then I realized it was prettier with white background and changing the colors font.

This was the first draft
I tried to do the magazine template on InDesign, but I couldn't get to edit it, it was too complicated for me so I ended up using CanvaPro.
In Week 17
Final Ads
For this ads I wanted to do something fun but that seemed suited for each brand, so I did a bit of research and try to do something inspired on the brands new collections.
I had to take pictures over this two months that I thought they could be a nice add and the edit them with the brands palette and logos.
Week 18
Magazine pictures
For the magazine pictures I wanted something colorful and fun. A combination of the city but also the rural aspects and clothing of Mexico. At first I had a really hard time finding the perfect outfits, and being simple, but I managed to make it through. This pictures were taken at London bridge at tower bridge by my brother. We used a Leica camera to take them and I was the one that was directing the shoot and making something that I envisioned.
This was my favorite part of the project and the one that I enjoyed the most.
Week 19
The cover

I chose this cover as the final magazine because the picture has movement and it also doesn't look really traditional, the shirt is traditional but it has a colorful palette and is simple. It complements the outfit and I love how the buildings look from behind. I feel that all of the colors image are complementing each other.
Week 20
Final Touches and organizing the final version.
For the Final Magazine I just added a few pictures and arranged all the articles. It took a lot of time putting everything together but i'm happy that it turned out the way it did. I feel that I got to do what I envisioned and enjoy the process.