WEEK 11: Themes and Strategies
Creative process of the name:
For the name of the magazine I was trying to find a mexican name of something that I liked in my culture or something that is meaningful to me, like a song, music band, artist and my favorite places.
Final name:
Color palette and Vision board
I decided that my magazine is going to be named Loteria which is a cards game in Mexico. I think the name is really clever and fun and is easy to pronounce it even if you are from other countries. I want this magazine to be really colorful and that embraces Mexico in every kind of way.
WEEK 12&15: Project Development
The Cover:
For the cover I want something fun, traditional but at the same time modern. I will like a combination of London and Mexico. I want the photos to be in the city.
Cover Main ideas:
Material and outfit inspo for the Cover:
For the cover I send my brother to the Coyoacán market so he could be able to buy some fabrics and mexican accesories, full of colors and traditional embroidery.
Outfit Sketches:
In this sketches I was trying to draw some ideas of outfits that I wanted to for the cover, and a mixture of traditional clothes with normal clothes.
Notes for the photoshoot:
The Issue:
This is the whole magazine plan, here I wrote the topics that I was interested in and what I wanted to write about. I wanted people to get to know the mexican culture and its potential in the fashion industry.
Articles drafts:
For the ads I decided to be inspired in the actual collections of the brands and do something fun and creative, but not so complicated. I took pictures of my friends and I wearing fun clothes and edit them for the ads.